Principles for the complaint management

Philosophy and goal of our complaint management

CONCEDUS GmbH has the claim to always provide its customers with products and services that meet their needs. The full satisfaction of our customers is always our focus.

That is why it is also important to us to give you the opportunity to voice criticism. To this end, we have set up a complaints management system whose aim is to ensure that customer complaints are dealt with appropriately and promptly and to resolve them as quickly as possible and in constructive dialog with you. Complaints received are conscientiously evaluated in order to eliminate recurring errors or problems. In this way, we aim to ensure customer satisfaction and sustainably improve the quality of our services to you.

These principles provide you with information on the complaints procedure. You will receive information on the possibility of filing a complaint as well as information on data protection.



Complaint handling procedure

All (potential) customers who are affected by the business activities of CONCEDUS GmbH can file a complaint (hereinafter referred to as complainant).

The complaints management department is responsible for processing complaints. You can send us complaints electronically or in writing. Please send electronically transmitted complaints to the e-mail address

For written complaints, please contact the:


Complaint Management

Schlehenstr. 6

90542 Eckental


We require the following information to process complaints:

  • full contact details of the complainant (address, telephone number, e-mail address, if applicable)

  • detailed description of the facts

  • Formulation of the request or indication of what the complaint is intended to achieve (e.g. rectification of errors, improvement of services, clarification of a difference of opinion).

  • Copies of the documents necessary to understand the operation (if available)

  • proof of authorization to represent the company, if the complainant addresses CONCEDUS GmbH in the name of and on behalf of another person

  • Damage caused (if applicable)

After receipt of the complaint, you will generally receive an acknowledgement of receipt from us in a timely manner. If the complaint can be processed conclusively within three (3) working days after receipt of the complaint, you will receive a response instead of the confirmation of receipt. Depending on the channel of receipt or agreement, communication with you will take place either by e-mail or in writing.

We always try to respond to your complaint as quickly as possible. The specific duration of the individual processing of a complaint depends in particular on its complexity or the need to involve third parties (for example, an external service provider). If a response is not possible within ten (10) working days, we will inform you of this and of the reason for the delay by means of an interim notice. At the same time, we will inform you when the processing of your complaint is expected to be completed.

If we do not accept your complaint or do not accept it in full, you will receive an understandable explanation.



Further notes & data protection

The processing of complaints is free of charge for the complainant.

These principles are reviewed at regular intervals and published on the CONCEDUS GmbH website.

You can also contact the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority with your request. The address is

Federal Financial Supervisory Authority
Graurheindorfer Strasse 108
53117 Bonn

The Rules of Procedure are available from the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority or can be downloaded from its website.

In addition, there is the possibility of filing a civil lawsuit.

Information pursuant to Articles 13, 14 and 21 of the General Data Protection Regulation on the processing of your personal data by us and the claims and rights to which you are entitled under the data protection regulations can be found on our website at: